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E-book - "ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH - How spiritual abuse sabotages the heart" - by Jim Robbins
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Reader Comments (4)
Thank you for this.It reminded me of the heavy burden I had to carry for more than two decades.I lost the joy and excitement I received at the point of conversion and it all became unending toil to "please the Lord".
When new converts rejoiced about their new experience with the Lord,I secretly commented in my heart that they would soon know it was not an easy road.
Thank God,Christ sorted me out all over and I now realise He gave me a good heart and his own nature long ago.I needed not to toil for what was already given.Its a great discovery.Its freeing even though I still wonder how I gave myself out to be manipulated for such along time
Hi Fadeke. Great to hear from you! I love what you say here: "I now realise He gave me a good heart and his own nature long ago.I needed not to toil for what was already given." Great reminder.
Great ebook Jim. It's a great lead in to your other book... I just may have to buy it now.
I think your message is very important. It's really making me think.
As recently as a few months ago, I considered leaving the institutional church, because it appeared that where I live, the culture had influenced the church rather than the church influencing the world around us. Yet, the "organic" or home churches seem to be developing some repeat problems and their own sub-culture... what is a believer to do?
Thanks again,
Hey Mark -- the more people I talk to, who are seeking out genuine community without all the junk, the more I'm realizing the discovery of true community isn't happening easily for any of us. As hard as the quest for real community is, to settle for pseudo-life isn't an option for me.