Be careful what you sing: How hymns and worship songs don't always tell the truth

For years, I've wished Christian worship leaders and song publishers had a board of theological advisors that really understood the implications of our new-hearted identity in Christ. Everything teaches, especially those things we repeat. Sunday after Sunday.
We become not only what we worship but how we worship.
Take the lyrics of two well-known worship songs:
"Change My Heart, Oh God"
Change my heart oh God,
Make it ever true.
Change my heart oh God,
May I be like You.
"Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing"
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Myth: Your heart, Christian, is still suspect and can't be trusted. Your core desires and your will are still in opposition to God's plans. You are 'prone to wander.' God is patient with people like you, but disappointed in your progress.
Your heart is an unruly and stubborn child: Therefore, God needs to continue a work in your heart in order to get you to the place where you can love as he wants you to.
Reality: You no longer have a wandering, "divided heart," because Jesus removed that diseased heart that was in opposition to God. In its place, resides a powerful, clean and obedient heart that loves what God loves, desires what God desires, and is just as good and noble as the heart Jesus himself possessed.
Your heart is no longer your enemy. It is now your ally.
To learn more about the widespread Scriptural basis for your good and noble heart, you can get my book, "Recover Your Good Heart: Living Free from Religious Guilt and the Shame of Not Good-Enough." The book has been especially helpful for people who are tired of being told they're never enough for God.
It's time to trust what God has already given you.