Christmas is the gift of a restored heart.
If you rescue the heart, you rescue the person.
"For God is not merely mending,
not simply restoring a status quo.
Redeemed humanity is to be something more glorious than unfallen humanity.” - C.S. Lewis
“I will give you a new heart…”
– Ezekiel 36:26
Therefore, Christ’s work, of necessity, must deal with the heart, the “inside of the cup.” As Dallas Willard rightly states:
“If we would walk with him, we must walk with him at that interior level [the level of the heart].… He saves us by realistic restoration of our heart to God and then by dwelling there with his Father through the distinctively divine Spirit. The heart thus renovated and inhabited is the only real hope of humanity on earth.”
Notice that salvation is a rescuing of the heart, for when you rescue the heart you rescue the person.