Audio Interview: "Why the Christian life isn't impossible."

Most of us live with a cruel distortion of the Gospel: The distortion sounds like this, "There but for the grace of God go I." The hope of the Gospel is not, "Jesus, You're going to have to pull off the Christian life for me because I'm too much of a mess." Rather, the hope of the New Covenant is, "Jesus, by your Spirit release the new appetites and cravings you've already deposited within my new nature." The Christian life is no longer impossible.
Podcast interview: Loren Rosser, who works in the television industry in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, is a great friend who is one of the few interviewers who understands the good and noble heart. This is part one of a two-part interview.
In this interview, Loren Rosser interviews Jim [Part One]:
- What's the difference between a Christian who sins v.s. a person who has a sin-nature?
- Why ignoring our heart's desires means we could be missing our calling.
- Why secular answers to shame lead to pretending, while the Gospel heals the root of shame.
- How can you tell when you're still living under "Old Covenant" shame?
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