"The Misunderstood God" - review

Our emotional health is directly tied to our view of God. Faulty assumptions about God will sabotage your heart. For that reason, I highly recommend Darin Hufford's new book, The Misunderstood God - the lies religion tells us about God, because the book so ably exposes those harmful assumptions and invites the reader into a deeper freedom.
The book also has staying power. I found myself reflecting on key portions of the book long after I'd read it. The chapter exposing the myth of "The Angry God" reminded me that, "Love is not easily provoked." And despite what we may have been told, the Holy Spirit is not easily wounded or offended. Our God's heart remains supple and open without the fragile neurosis that plagues most of us. We need him to be strong like that.
This book will help you get that heavy pack of religious assumptions and misunderstandings off your back, because you were never meant to carry that.
Here's a link to Darin Hufford's website.

Reader Comments (2)
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your Comment on ‘‘The Misunderstood God’’. I have 16 CD Massages of Misunderstood God. 90 % of Preaching is about Self experiences, Bitterness, Anger with Morden Pastors and Churches. I could not understand Relationship between Love of GOD and all these stuff. Love of God is Not Emotional Love like we human feel. Love of GOD is Truth and unshakeable.
We can not understand Love of God by putting our own Pain, Suffering, Bitterness and Problems. Because Author did the same in his book and CD.
To understand Love of GOD you have to be empty from all kind of stuff which Author carrying with him. He has the problem Because could not receive Spiritual Gift, Never tithe, Never experienced the Healing power of GOD. He things Millions are people are deceived by False Preachers but he alone is right. I can understand his problem, He asked but never received because his heart was not right before GOD. He tried best but not received because he could not leave his anger and frustration. I am not defending Morden Preachers or Traditional Practice.
But my point is, Why so much anger with False Teaching and Doctrines ? We know Satan is Real, we know False Teachers are working in this world, we know False Prophets are active now. But how will you react with these people. My problem is, Author mocked over Speaking in Tongue, Alter Call, Healing Convention, Tithe etc. Because he never understood or never experienced such things. I know there are false Preachers who does such things for own benefit, but then What ? He just mocked over all and failed to clear to his Audiences or book readers to show right way.
Love of God is nothing to do with these Practice. If these Practice is Wrong Speak Loudly Against it. If it is Right then don’t speak any thing against it. But he was not against nor defended. This is creating confusion among those who do not know which side go. He talk against Benny Hinn and like such preachers. He has the problem of his security, luxury hotels, shopping etc. Truth is Millions of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists accepting Jesus Christ as Their Lord and Saviour by such Charismatic Preachers. Author have No Idea, how much Risk of Life is for The Gospel in Non-Christian Countries.
These Pastor goes to their Land, Preach The Gospel of Jesus. But some anger and Jealous People like Darin Hufford Deceiving People in The name of Love. You are fortunate People that living in Free Christian Country. But Millions of People have not such Privilege like you have in your Country. I belong from A Muslim Family. But now I am Christian because some one like Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke Preached The Gospel in my Country. Preaching the Gospel is not easy in my Country as you have in America.
But you are looking towards their Bank Balance, Luxury Hotels, Personal Security, Shopping etc. If would be King of this World, and some one help me to know Jesus, I would like to give my whole in his hand in place of my Salvation. You can not understand, How beautiful experience I have after Receiving Jesus. I have experience The Healing Power of GOD, I have Receive the Gif of Tongue, I have Receive The Peace and Love of GOD in my heart.
I have no Problem with Such Preachers Who Preach The Gospel, Heal The Sick in The name of Jesus and Live in Luxury Hotels. I don’t think GOD also have any Problem. Every thing on this Earth belong to GOD. If Wicked People can enjoy the Blessing of GOD, what wrong if Morden Preacher Enjoying. Point is They should not Put Other things First Than Jesus in their Life. Your personal experiences and Bitterness with Preachers are your Problem. Do not Mix it with The Love of GOD. Love of GOD can be experience only by Cross.
So if you want to Preach Love o GOD Preach Cross. Spirit of GOD will himself Reveal True Love in Life Who Accept Jesus as his/her Lord and Saviour. Rest all other thing is useless and No Benefit for Salvation of men. Love every one even false Preacher, Enemy, Killer before Preaching about Love. I know what is Hate and killing. But Thanks to God that I know Him and Hope of my Salvation only in Him. He is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for reading my long letter. I love you that is why I am writing such long letter to you. We all must be save, Because Jesus Paid very Amount for our Soul. His Payment is millions times more and uncountable Dollar. Looks towards Precious amount rather than amount spending on Preachers. Take care, Samaroo
Thanks for writing, Samaroo. Author's usually write out of their own experiences. It sounds like you'd write a very different book.