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Entries in solo piano (5)


New solo piano song single from Jim

Many of you know that I'm also a solo piano recording artist.  I've just released a new solo piano song single called, "Carry Me Past Dark."

The story behind "Carry Me Past Dark:"

With a nod to the movie soundtrack from "True Grit," I wanted to pay homage to the old 1800's hymn, "Leaning On the Everlasting Arms." Slightly changing the hymn's simple theme, I then wove in fresh complimentary elements to give it a new immediacy. This brand-new version called, "Carry Me Past Dark," keeps the almost understated feel, reflecting its true frontier simplicity.

FREE DOWNLOAD:  To download "Carry Me Past Dark,"  just click the small "down" arrow in the upper right corner of the SoundCloud player.

To hear/buy tracks from Jim's latest solo piano CD, click here





Have you heard about the new CD?

Some of you know that in addition to being an author/speaker, I am a solo concert pianist.  Think George Winston, Lyle Mays, or Keith Jarrett. 

I've just released a new solo piano CD that many are finding helpful as music for their personal prayer life:  That the quiet and reflective music opens a door for them to connect with God's heart.    
Here's what listeners are saying:


"Man, it is beautiful stuff. It's not just music, either. I can really sense the heart of God through it all. Thanks." 
– D. Carroll, Uganda


“Beautiful, love your CD!!! You are so talented and such a blessing. His Love shines through you beautifully.”
– N. Smith, Texas

"LOVE your CD. No lie..made me cry. Every time I hear it I find it easy to pray and speak to God. At complete peace while listening to your music."
– M. Harrington, Massachusetts

“This music pulls me in deeper to the depths of my own soul.  If I could give it 5.5 stars I easily would.  Simply amazing depth – Jim obviously has an old soul."  
- J. Fox, Colorado

“Jim's work is absolutely breathtaking. His music and his talent will touch your soul. I find myself listening to his music and hear God's still voice in my life. It is all too rare to hear talent of Jim's caliber.”
– D. Gale, Wisconsin







New solo piano video of Jim


New solo piano song demo from Jim: "Montana Front Range."

As many of my readers know, I am not only an author, but also a professional solo piano recording artist.  The goal of each solo piano piece I write is reflected in this great quote from Dallas Willard:

Beauty is "good, made present to the senses."

I've been at work in the piano studio - writing new pieces for my second solo piano CD. 

Here's a raw song idea I'm working on called, "Montana Front Range."  The idea isn't fully-formed in my mind yet, but has already developed a distinct direction.  

I was inspired by the beauty of mountains rising up from the valley in places like the Madison River Valley area of Montana, or Bozeman, or the Lamar Valley where herds of bison roam.

The song draft here isn't fully-formed yet or polished and mixed, but gives an idea of one of the songs that I'm writing for the new solo piano CD.



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What's up with the new look?

Many of you know that in addition to being a full-time writer, I'm also a solo piano recording artist

For some reason, I thought I had to keep these two sides of my life separate.  Part of that was the fear multi-artists can have that people will think:  "He can't possibly be qualified in multiple areas:  You know, "Jack of all trades - master of none." 

I think things are changing for what one writer calls us "slashes."   Marci Alboher calls people who operate equally in multiple areas "slashes."  Some examples of "slashes/" are:  

  • architects/personal trainers,
  • accounts/poets,
  • student/personal chef
  • I.T. tech/musician

I read about a psychotherapist who also makes violins that sell for $15,000 each to high-end orchestral clients.  Or, you can look at the classic case of DaVinci.  His own brilliance covered such sweeping pursuits as painting, architecture, the anatomy of the human body, and even the design of tanks and advanced weaponary.  The man who painted the "Last Supper" also excelled in geometry and architecture.  [I wrote a past post on the Renaissance Man.]

By pen or piano, the goal is restoration for the heart.
I'm introducing what really isn't another side of me, but rather a different expression for my creative outflow.  I write books and I compose music both for the sake of restoration.  I still write daily and love that.  But the music expresses things my writing doesn't.  It's a perfect marriage. 

Upcoming project:
In fact, in the future, The Good and Noble Heart Creative Studios [me] will be introducing a project series called "The Restoration Sessions"  that will combine both my teaching message of the Good and Noble Heart with my solo piano music.

As a former pianist/keyboardist for large worship events, I used to create "worshipscapes" and prayer backdrops for different elements going on in the worship moment.  Music can reach wounds and gently gain access to places that words might not have permission.  By combining word [teaching] and music, I get to offer the synergy of both.

I'll also be working on my second solo piano album.  My first was recorded on a Steinway Concert Grand and was called, "RESTORATION."  They are all originals.  "Emotion.  Touch.  Sensitivity" might describe the contemplative piano pieces on that album.  For now, enjoy.  [CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.]