Help Jim write his next book!

Help me write my next book. While promoting my current book, "Recover Your Good Heart," I've begun research for my next book. (It takes about a year to write/edit/publish a book.)
The next book will be called something like, "A Kingdom of Nobles -- Why we were meant to be kings and queens" or "The Noble Heart -- Regaining our place as kings and queens in the Kingdom"
I'm looking for novels, fantasy lit. in which a character becomes more than he or she thought they were. For example, in the "Lord of the Rings," Frodo reluctantly becomes the most unlikely of heroes in a battle to save Middle Earth. In the "Chronicles of Narnia," the children find that their true nature and destiny is to rule as kings and queens of Narnia.
CONTEST: If are one of the first 5 people to recommend a book (and I end up quoting or referring to it in my book), I'll make sure you get a free copy of my upcoming book. In order to be fair, the recommendation can't be a title that someone else has already mentioned.
Go to my Facebook page to see titles others have already recommended: Click here.

Thanks to all who contributed great source recommendations for my next book. If you're one of the first 5 that I end up using in the book, you'll get a complimentary copy of the new book. (It will take a while, since it takes a good year to write/edit/publish a book; but I've been keeping track of who's suggested what. Thanks again!