When your job stinks...

What do you do when your job doesn't reflect what you really love?
It’s helpful to think of a particular job (the thing that brings home the bacon) as a divine appointment or commission. It may be for a few months or longer; but for that time and place, and to those people, God is asking us to bring our unique presence. They need you there -- even if they don't know it.
The problem is, most of us don’t know whether or not that particular job is God's divine assignment for us: It might be. It might not be. What if God's not asking you to stay there? It’s always helpful to ask God the question: "Is this where you want me for this time?"
When the job gets particularly tough or the people you interact with become particularly frustrating, it will strengthen you to know that God has sent you there [if he, in fact, has], for at least a time. It’s a lot harder to put up with those things if you don’t know you’re supposed to be there.
He's also training you for what is to come. Not punishing you ... training you. Your going to need what you'll gain in this time of development and cultivation. You don't want to rush the field without the proper training: Many have and many have lost heart because of it.
Ask God whether or not he's assigned you there... then trust.