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Entries in already (1)


Enough ... already.

Ours is an Already Gospel. Certain things are now settled fact.  Through the rescuing work of Christ, not only did something happen for you, something happened to you -- something that goes way beyond the forgiveness of sins.  An interior revolution took place.  An already reality:

  • Your heart was made good...already.
  • You are pure...already.
  • You measure up ... already.
  • You make God's heart glad ... already.

Why don't most of us feel this is true of us?  It is because the "gospel" we've been handed is the "Not yet gospel:" 

  • You're not yet doing enough for God. (More accurately, for your church.)
  • You're not yet righteous.
  • Your heart is not yet radiant, strong and blameless.
  • You're not yet pleasing.

The actual Gospel will feel too good to be true because you've been fed a distortion for so long.