New podcast - "DISCOVERING OUR CALLING" - Calling Series -- Part 5 - special guest Gary Barkalow joins Jim

How does God reveal our unique calling to us? What's the pattern he uses? Join special guest Gary Barkalow and Jim as they unpack how God brings us into a deeper clarity of our calling. This is part five of their seven-part podcast series on calling.
Gary is the author of the upcoming book, It's Your Call -- What are You Doing Here? to be released in October.
Gary's website:
Download the podcast for iTunes here.
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Reader Comments (2)
Hey Jim,
Great Podcast. I like how you mentioned mistaking "spiritual weight" for a calling. It could be misleading to go in the direction of a wound to address calling. As you and Gary mentioned it is important to listen to God and very deepest desires. Great job!
Thanks, Meredith. You're right -- there are voices and impressions that we can mistake for our true calling. Sometimes it take a while to sort them out.