What does 'calling' have to do with your heart?

You may be wondering why a guy like me, who typically speaks about the heart, is talking about 'calling' lately.
The first reason is that the topic of calling is part of a book I'm working on. Second, because you can't find your calling without believing Christ has given you a good and noble heart. Calling flows from heart.
Within your new heart lie the clues to your place in the Story - your 'calling.' These clues come in the form of your deep desires, as well as the story your heart has been living in. Beneath the defining events of your life, the pattern of wounds, the activities that made you come alive, something was happening in your heart - shaping it, calling it up and out. Your heart has a unique history and a story to tell.
If you believe your heart is deceitful and selfish, it will be hard to see your deep desires and to believe that there are now good and noble desires within your new and noble heart.
That's why I write about calling. Calling flows from heart.
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