The Trinity is a clue to calling

Just about anything of importance can be figured out by watching the Trinity in action. This includes our individual callings as unique persons.
We don't have one God wearing three different hats: we have one God in three distinct persons. All possessing ultimate divinity, yet living out unique roles. Let's take a look:
The Father: the Sender ["As the Father has sent me..."]
The Son: the Bridge ["Therefore, since we have a great high priest ..., Jesus"]
The Spirit: the Counselor ["But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, ... will teach you all things and will remind you of all..."]
Clearly, there's a fluidity and overlap to the roles of each person in the Trinity, but the distinctness of those roles is also true. That's why you and I have distinct roles and callings in the Body of Christ. Remember, as the Trinity goes, so goes the Body: Whatever is in the Trinity flows towards us.
What unique calling do you have, your distinct offering to others?
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