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Podcast - CALLING SERIES - part one - "Orientation" - special guest Gary Barkalow

ORIENTATION - Calling Series - part one - special guest Gary Barkalow joins Jim.

Many Christians love Jesus, but have no idea what their place in the Story is.

How do we become oriented to our location in the Story?  Gary talks about three points of orientation that keep us "alert and oriented" to our place in the story:  story - desire - journey.  (This is part one of a 7-part series Gary and Jim will do.)

Gary Barkalow spent 7 years with the Ransomed Heart mens' team and is well-known for his teaching on calling.  Visit his site:  www.thenobleheart.com

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Reader Comments (3)

Hey Jim,

Great podcast! You two are magical together!

You discussed the feeling believers get into that others have it easier and goals come easier to others and they have less challenges to attaining goals than they do. This is incredibly common and I totally understand that. Additionally, I think people who have the most potential for doing really great things have these stumbling blocks the most.And I agree with you that the "valley" is for training purposes. It's hard to see that when you're in it though. That's for sure.

Some of the feelings people have about the unfairness of a valley might stem from church teaching that lead us to believe that if we do X, Y, and Z "right" then God will finally reward us for it. It just doesn't work that way. And in this sense, it is not a matter of reward. It is a matter of mission. It is extremely easy to get those confused.


April 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeredith

Hey Meredith -- We were magical alright -- Gary pulled a bunny out of his hat during the intro, and I sawed a lady in half while we were wrapping it up!

I like what you indicate: "Some of the feelings people have about the unfairness of a valley might stem from church teaching that lead us to believe that if we do X, Y, and Z "right" then God will finally reward us for it." This formula thing isn't really helpful,, as you indicate. It's so much more relational than that.

May 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJim Robbins

Oh wow Jim,

That will teach me to miss part of the broadcast! I love bunnies!!!!
Next time, do you think you all could pull a cute believing guy out of your hats? Went out with another quasi-pagan guy last night. Well, at least he was cute...sigh...

Meredith :0)

May 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeredith

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