Jim is interviewed on "The Renegade Christian Entrepreneurs" podcast
Topic: "Striving vs. Action." When things aren't moving fast enough for us, how do we relate to God when we're feeling the pressure to make things happen? This was a fun interview. Thanks to Matthew Gillogly and Bob Regnerus, hosts of the Renegade Christian Entrepreneurs podcast for having me as their guest today.
Reader Comments (3)
Hey Jim,
Okay, this was just great! There is so much I can say about this. First, great interview. You did a great job and so did the two hosts. I liked everyone's sort of pleasant irreverant style, and you crack me up anyway.
One of the guys mentioned Angela's Ashes....I have long-thought that book and movie was a great representation of the quest for the good heart so to speak. Frank McCourt was such a brilliant man and addresses these themes in his work in his funny Irish way. I hope he truly understood his good heart before he passed last year. I'm such a fan! :0)
Also, something that resonated with me is what you (particular) men have gone through with regards to the Mr. Mom thing. Churches really discourage men. From what I have read of scripture, God puts people together in marriage in part to hep one another. I have never understood why churches feel the need to take scripture out-of-context that way! Why would any man marry on those teachings???? Seriously, as a single woman, if I thought that I was going to have to take on all my man's problems and finances plus my own by myself with no help, I wouldn't bother. Between work and school I already have enough going on and men must feel the same way. I wish more chuches looked at marriage as an equal partnership rather than this predestined phony 1950's nightmare thing...although that whole hanging out in a pretty dress and pearls all day, now that does sound fun! And I already have some nice pearls (and pretty dresses), so I'm part of the way there! :0)
Also, the more I hear your moving story the more I'm identifying with it... I'm hitting dead ends with my move at the moment too and am trying to deal with it! Ugh!
The striving thing...since you posted it, I have been trying to identify the areas in which I'm striving and change things up a bit, so thanks for your thoughts! I was having a hard time with something in my career. This morning while trying to resolve a particular issue, I sort of threw in the towel for a second and just said "Okay, whatever!" and then everything changed and I got what I wanted...there is definitely an issue of surrender involved too.
Keep it coming!
Hey Meredith -- good point about surrender. I'd also add that it's not surrendering you desires, it's simply placing them in God's hands - rather than us wringing our hands.
Exactly, yes Jim,
In that instance, I wasn't surrendering my desire to do that particlar thing at work...but the avenue I was taking wasn't working and it was a bureaucratic issue. It would be a long story..but I was trying to do something I really wanted to do...Even in the shower this morning, I was mapping out I would approach the problem...I have been working and worrying for weeks over it. I was thinking, "It HAS to be done today...I will call him, then her then it should be done. I have to push this through and it has to be TODAY."
Well, I got to a point where things weren't working and I was told I couldn't do this thing I wanted in the way I wanted, in fact I told the person I was dealing with, "Listen, I'm not going to beat my head against a wall here." So, seeing no other way I agreed to accomplish this thing, in a timeline that I wasn't thrilled with, and thought, "Well, it's getting done anyway, just not exactly how I had hoped. I'm just going to relax a bit." Then I got a call back letting me know that they way I had agreed finally to achieve this thing would not work and that essentially I was getting my wish afterall... bureauocratic headache! But I let go of the striving stance, surrendered (in a good way) and I got just what I wanted...
Hopefully I can rock this more in other aspects of my life, too!
Meredith :0)