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Stopping for directions

"Do I have to?"  was my first thought.  However, before rushing into a new year, I knew I needed to take some moments to hear what God might be saying about the next 365 days. I was disrupted by the idea that God wanted to tell me something - a gift for my heart - at the start of a new season. I always need his counsel, but especially so when there is a year-full of days to live, really live, and several paths that could be taken.

Jesus reminds us of the counsel that is now available to us: "I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father." You're his friend. What does he want to tell you?
So I asked God the following questions and will continue to bring these questions before him at the launch of 2008:

1. "Father, what are You saying to me about this new year? Do you have a specific word for me?" (I hadn't even completed the question when I heard the word, "hope.") "Did I really hear You say, 'hope?'" My heart lifts as I hear this.

2. "Are there specific directions you want me to pursue?" (I haven't heard anything immediate here, probably because I went on to other things after jotting down the question in my journal. I'll continue to explore any inklings God whispers here.)

Hope these questions are helpful to you. As always, I value your prayers for my writing/speaking ministry. If you want to be on an intercessor team that prayers for me, my mission, and family, I would be honored. You'll receive regular updates. Please click "Send Jim an email" at the upper right corner of the blog; and let me know you want to be an intercessor.

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