Is your message just a matter of semantics?
Monday, February 21, 2011 at 11:20AM
Jim Robbins in assumptions that shape us, good heart - a matter of semantics?, identity, new heart

“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified…” (Romans 10:10)

I recently spoke at a mens' event in which one of the participants asked me if having a good and noble heart was just a matter of semantics.  [In other words, does it really matter?] 

His view was that we should simply count on the Spirit's ongoing work within us to make an errant heart good over time.  In other words, Why can't he make a diseased heart good... in time?  What did it matter that you start the journey with Christ equipped with a brand new heart?

My response was:

If we start the journey with a thoroughly-new, supernaturally radiant and good heart, then this is the way we continue the journey: We cooperate with the Holy Spirit as he releases the goodness he's already birthed within us.  

Simply relying on Jesus to be good for you underestimates his restoring work in us:  Jesus is not going to be good "on your behalf."  [This is the fallacy of "imputed righteousness."]  This would be short-changing his surprising work in you. Rather, he's made you good by giving you his own goodness; and will continue to nourish, celebrate and release "the work he began in you" -- the work that started with your heart.  We mature as we allow him to engage this new goodness he's already given us.


Article originally appeared on author jim robbins (
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