Podcast-Discovering your calling -- Guest Gary Barkalow talks with Jim
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 5:43PM
Jim Robbins in Desire , calling, calling, desire, gary barkalow, identity, interviews, podcasts

How do we move beyond the personality inventories and spiritual gifts test that often leave us unsatisfied and still looking for our calling?

Gary Barkalow spent seven years on the men's leadership and speaking team with Ransomed Heart Ministries when God called him to launch full-time into helping others discover their place in the Story. 

Gary's teaching on calling is the best and most helpful I've found.  You can learn more about Gary at his website:  www.thenobleheart.com.

You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes.

Article originally appeared on author jim robbins (http://www.robbinswritings.com/).
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