It's a myth that you're either strong or weak at any given moment, resilient or vulnerable. Because our minds don't easily entertain paradox -- "How could I be simultaneously both weak and strong?" -- we feel we must be either one or the other.
It's not true.
In his book, The Survivors Club, Ben Sherwood tells us we've misunderstood the survivor personality, concluding of ourselves, "I could never be like that person who survived that trauma. They're obviously stronger than I, more resilient. I'd never make it."
The truth is, according to one of the experts on survival the author quotes, "...many experts -- and the media -- want to believe that people are either resilient or vulnerable, strong or weak, healthy or sick. In reality, people combine all these qualities." (p. 180)
You are stronger and have more reserves at your disposal than you think. If we factor in the supernatural reserves of your new heart, born in you when you said 'yes' to Jesus, you have an unearthly strength you've never imagined. You are resilient, though wounded. Brave, though fearful. Confident, though hiding.
"For when I am weak, then I am strong." - Apostle Paul