One of my greatest concerns is that we must challenge our assumptions about the Gospel -- or what we think we know about it. It actually might be better than we think it is.
I don't mean that we should challenge the core doctrines of Christianity, or question the supremacy of Christ. In my mind, that's been settled.
I do mean that the version of the Gospel we've been given may not, in fact, be the Gospel; or at best, a gross distortion of it. For example:
Much of the Church has the impression that the Gospel is either about getting your sins forgiven by accepting God's gracious pardon and receiving the promise of heaven; or, that the Gospel is all about evangelism, outreach, and new programs for reaching the lost. There's truth in each of these, but not enough truth.
The Gospel is the offer of a good and noble heart. Jesus comes to restore the person -- not simply let them off the hook. His work is deeper, more glorious, and far more supernatural than the anemic "gospel" we've settled for.
When you said 'yes' to him, your nature, your identity, underwent a remarkable transformation. You no longer possess a sin nature. You're still free to sin, but it's no longer who you are or what you want. (I know, it doesn't often seem that way, but if you judge your heart by the failures of your former self - even the ongoing ones - you will end up in despair.)
People who don't question their assumptions about the offer of Jesus scare me, frankly. Damage has been done by those who refuse to let new information form their opinions, who muzzle any perspective that does not align with their preconceived assumptions -- even if that new perspective is firmly rooted in Scripture!
If we don't get the Gospel (the offer of Jesus) right, then Lazarus is still in his grave clothes.
Podcast: "A better way to relate to God" challenges these false assumptions about the offer of Jesus. Click here to listen.