Jim RobbinsJim's core message:
Thanks for connecting. I am a former pastor, turned author, who writes especially for Christians who are tired of being told they are 'prone to wander.' It's the biggest myth in Christianity today.
Don't get me wrong, before we come to Christ, our heart [nature, core being] is 'prone to wander;' yet after we enter friendship with Jesus a wholesale change takes place immediately: We are given new natures, new hearts and appetites for loving and living well.
Our hearts become our allies, not our enemies. Spiritual growth isn't about hoping for holiness: It's about releasing a goodness you already have - that you were given the moment you said, "yes," to Him. You can still sin, but it's not in your heart to do so any longer.
Leonard SweetDuring the late ’90’s, I was asked by author and futurist, Leonard Sweet [Soul Tsunami, Aqua Church, and Jesus Manifesto,] to serve on a ministry consulting team Len Sweet was forming.
I've also led and trained worship arts/ design teams before transitioning into a writing/speaking ministry.
Radio Interview:
LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW: I was interviewed by nationally-known radio host, Steve Brown. The Steve Brown Etc. show is a nationally-syndicated radio show hosted by author, seminary profesor, and broadcaster, Steve Brown.
Steve Brown has interviewed the likes of John Eldredge, Tony Campolo, Larry Crabb, and Leonard Sweet.
What do you believe about your heart?
Many Christians have been told that their heart is still 'prone to wander' and 'deceitfully wicked' even after they come to Christ.
This one teaching has crippled our churches and left Christians unable to carry the 'easy yoke of Jesus.'
Praise for Jim's book:
"I cannot recommend Jim Robbins' book Recover Your Good Heart highly enough...A great work!"
Dwight Edwards, advisor to Larry Crabb
and author of Revolution Within
"I am also a Biblical counselor and train other counselors, so the book will become one of my ‘I urge you to read this’ books. It really is a ‘must read if you want to change’ book.”
Jenny Lowen; Bookstore Manager, YWAM
Harpenden, England
"Recover Your Good Heart is a healing, freeing, and empowering must read for every Christ follower.”
Kim West; Biblical Counselor
Phoenix, AZ
'As a pastor for 35 years now, your book changed my outlook on life, faith, ministry, and intimacy with God...
Ed, a pastor
New Jersey
My first book was about organic church and why it will be a critical option for Christian community in the near future.
- Download: Outposts of the Kingdom
- Paperback: Outposts of the Kingdom
Jim's position in the publishing industry: Jim is on the Editorial Board for Heart and Life Publishers.
"Heart & Life offers custom publishing solutions. We are a message-centered publisher. That message is about the restoration of the heart–-walking with God from a ransomed heart, in the Larger Story, as men and women."
Former pastor:
Jim is a former pastor in the United Methodist Church. He's also served as Worship Arts Director in churches in Jacksonville, Florida. He now lives with his wife and children in southern New Hampshire.